Legal, regulatory and technical aspects of Cloud Computing in international data transfers – 14 – 21 June 2021, Course tutor: Dr habil. Andrzej Krasuski, Legal Advisor
The subject matter if this course refers to international data transfers whereby cloud computing solutions will be applied. In relation to the subject matter various types of data will be discussed, including personal, which will be analysed in the context of different regulations. The course will include technical aspects of application of various types of cloud computing and its impact on the application of the legal framework. The course will also address different roles of cloud actors and its obligations under relevant regulations. In addition, the course will discuss liability issues for providing cloud services in an international dimension. At the outset of the course a knowledge test will be conducted. The course will include regulatory aspects of the use of cloud computing, including regulatory control issues.
Detailed information on this course is provided in the training course outline which can be downloaded from the ITU Academy Portal:
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