Legal aspects of artificial intelligence in business, household and public sector – 5-12 December 2022, Course tutor: Dr habil. Andrzej Krasuski, Prof. UJD, Legal Advisor

19 kwi, 2022 | Aktualności

Dr. habil. Andrzej Krasuski, Prof. UJD, is pleased to invite your organization to participate in the e-learning training course on “Legal aspects of artificial intelligence in business, household and public sector” to be held from 5 until 12 December 2022. This course is organized jointly by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the National Institute of Telecommunications (NIT).

The subject matter of this course is the discussion of legal framework applicable to Artificial Intelligence with international focus. By discussing the application of Artificial Intelligence, various types of Artificial Agents in many spheres of life will be considered, including: business activity, household, and the public sector. During the course different definitions of Artificial Intelligence will be considered and discussed from a legal point of view. The course will also encompass liability issues connected with the use of Artificial Intelligence, including robots. Various concepts of liability will be assessed. During the course various examples of the application of Artificial Intelligence will be included. In addition, recommendations for future legislation will be presented and analysed. At the outset of the course a knowledge test will be conducted. 

Detailed information on this course is provided in the training course outline which can be downloaded from the ITU Academy Portal: Full catalogue of courses | ITU Academy

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